Дизайн-ателье Acciaro
Дизайн-ателье Acciaro
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as a family legacy
О персонализации
О персонализации вашего подарка
as a family legacy

About personalization

About personalization
With our unique 2-level personalization, it is possible to create both initials (level 1) and a sacred symbol or family coat of arms, which will look luxurious in the form of a heraldic shield.

At the level 2, it is possible to create a text that will remind you of your feelings, or the owner's last name. Such a personalized gift will preserve a man's history and become a family treasure!
Creating a sketch
Make an exclusive gift more individual, able to tell about your attitude louder than any words. Through personalization, you'll create a special gift that will remind you of your relationship for years!

We create a sketch before we start making one, and send it off for approval. If you like the sketch, we start the production.
Level 1
Shape in the form of a heraldic shield,
designed specifically to accommodate the owner's initials, a special symbol, or a family coat of arms.
Level 2
Designed for text. You can create words that will convey your attitude or the owner's name and surname.

The personalized accessory created will remind you of you with every touch, and the owner's name will preserve the man's history and become part of the family legacy.

  • Production

In the manufacturing process involves from 5 to 9 of the best craftsmen. Production time from 10 to 45 days, depending on the model of the machine, personalization and production load.

Plan to have your gift made by the date you want.
Our works